Forward Email to Multiple Email accounts with G-Suite and Gmail

Do you want to be able to allow one email to forward its messages to multiple emails. For example, you may want a single email address which acts as a simple to remember email to give to your clients and in return would send its messages to all sales reps in your company such as and and so on. You will find that G-suite has a limit of one alias that can be added and G-mail only allows one forwarder to be added. While you can (and will need to) add multiple forwarder emails, only one can be “in use”. To have multiple (max of 20) forwarder emails, you need to use “filters”. At first you will see you can create filters to send messages to specific filters such as “From”, “To”, “Subject”, “Has the words” and so on. However we just want to simply send “ALL” email messages to various email addresses. Follow these simple steps to achieve it.

  1. If you use G-Suite, create a new user. This is your main email address (example, If you use just Gmail, create a new Google account. Skip this step if the email account already exists.
  2. Login to your Google account if you are not already logged in. Then access your Gmail (upper right hand corner of your browser, click “Google Apps” icon beside your profile and click Gmail).
  3. Click the “Settings” cog wheel icon in the upper right hand corner of your messages, and click “Settings”
  4. Click on the “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” tab.
  5. Leave “Disable forwarding” checked (do not uncheck this).
  6. Click “Add a Forwarding address”, in the popup window, add your email address you want the main email to send to. Click Next, then in another popup in the upper left hand corner, click Proceed. Repeat this same step for all the emails you would like to add. Then click “Save Changes” (center bottom of page)
  7. Click on “Filters and Blocked Addresses” tab
  8. Click “Create a new filter”. In the popup. Put a * in the From: field. The asterix character acts as a wildcard saying “ANY” “From” emails are applied for this filter. You will see the search bar shows from:(*). Click “Continue” button. Place a check in “Forward it to:” option and finally select the email address in the drop down menu. Repeat this step until all emails you added earlier are done.
  9. Test you new setup by sending an email to your main email address. Its best to send an email from an email address not associated with the same domain name (if you used a domain name for your email). You should now received the same message to all the forwarded emails. Added.

We hope these instructions will help you with your forwarding email needs within G-Suite and Gmail. If you need any help, feel free to contact us here 

Please note, this tutorial was created October 15, 2019. Google does change their setups from time to time and this may not be accurate. If you find this tutorial is outdated, please contact us.